![Price list and product catalogs ROBIN Nurseries Price list and product catalogs ROBIN Nurseries](https://www.robinpepinieres.com/img/cms/images/dispos-tarifs-robin.jpg)
Prices and availability of ROBIN products
Prices, availability and order form of ROBIN truffle plants
Find at a glance the price list, availability and order forms of truffle plants produced and cultivated by Robin Nurseries. As a reminder, Robin truffle plants are produced under license and INRA control.
Select the variety of your choice (black truffle, Burgundy truffle...) and consult the associated documents below.
Please note that the availability and prices of truffle plants evolve week after week, so we advise you to come back to this page regularly to take note of our new price conditions.
Prices of HIGH PERFORMANCE® mycorrhizal young plants
Consult at a glance the price list, availability and order forms of the HIGH PERFORMANCE® mycorrhizal seedlings produced and cultivated by Robin Nurseries. As a reminder, all our mycorrhized seedlings are produced in ROBIN ANTI-CHIGNON® cups.
Select the type of your choice (hardwood or softwood) and consult the associated documents below.
Please note that the availability and prices of HIGH PERFORMANCE® mycorrhizal plants change periodically, so we advise you to come back to this page regularly to check our new prices.
Availabilities of Robin mushroom plants
Leaf through the availability and the order form of the mushroom plants produced and cultivated by Robin Nurseries. As a reminder, Robin mushroom plants are produced under license and control of INRAE.
Price list of tools and accessories for plantation protection
Protective sheaths, metal staples, mulching slabs, support stakes... Robin Nurseries offers a range of accessories and tools that are essential for the proper conduct of your plantation. Find the prices of these instruments and protective materials below.
You can't find what you're looking for or have trouble finding the price of a particular plant? Do not hesitate to contact our experts. They will take the time to answer you, to advise you and to guide you concerning the choice of your plants, their storage, their plantation and maintenance.